Filed under: Consultation
Dear Transport for West Midlands
Our response to the WMLTP5 “six big moves” consultation
Better Streets for Birmingham supports the objectives and six ‘big moves’ within the West Midlands Local Transport Plan 5 (WMLTP5).
It is of existential importance that access to safe and sustainable travel is improved drastically and at pace. This will then allow for bus prioritisation and road space reallocation, creating a viable alternative to the car and the conditions for improved behaviour change.
As a city, Birmingham is overreliant on the use of private motor cars for short trips that could be undertaken by people walking, wheeling, cycling or scooting. We continue to see, even in recent decision-making, how deeply entrenched car-centred policies and attitudes are.
We recognise that some journeys have no alternative than the car, however, this would be countered by overall traffic reduction which would make necessary journeys by car faster. We support the approach that Adam Tranter promotes: using the right tool for the job.
With regards to the “big moves” public consultation which closes on 5 May 2023, we found everything to be of equal importance and could not rank them.
We look forward to scrutinising Birmingham’s area strategy in detail. We ask that you give enough time for area strategies to be properly scrutinised by stakeholders and residents.
Kind regards
Martin Price
Better Streets for Birmingham