Celebrations and thanks!
Filed under: General
Better Streets for Birmingham is one year old! (ish)
In 2021 a group of people were lucky to meet one another. Some of us had campaigned for LTNs, others had set up Active Travel Fairs, some were members of community cycle clubs, others wanted to reduce air pollution, carbon emissions and increase road safety.
We all had shared interests in making our streets nicer and safer for people walking, wheeling, cycling, playing and enjoying. We decided to call our group Better Streets for Birmingham. By the beginning of 2022, Better Streets for Birmingham had a logo and this website (thanks Sush!) and had agreed on our mission and vision (thanks Mat!). Some of us formed our Committee, we’re listed here, and we got to business.
In our first year our group has grown in size and scope. We have delivered or helped with some amazing projects and events:
- We worked with Sustrans and Push Bikes to and asked every main party candidate the Birmingham local elections: what they thought about walking, wheeling and cycling. Check out the results here: Sustrans Birmingham Election Survey.
- We completed and published detailed responses to Birmingham City Council active travel consultations; all viewable here Better Streets for Birmingham.
- We’ve engaged with and developed excellent positive relationships with Councillors, Council Officers, MPs, other volunteer groups and charities and Transport for West Midlands.
- One of our Committee members has designed the brilliant “Safer Street Maker” tool, allowing everyone to design safer streets. You can try it out here: https://saferstreetmaker.org/.
- One of our members organises the amazing Kings Heath critical mass bike rides; brilliant family-friendly events that attract people from around the city (including Councillors).
- We have our first local group, the brilliant Better Streets for Harborne and Quinton. They had a busy stall at Harborne festival, they hold regular in person meetings, and have excellent links with their local Councillors, MP and Police.
- Our Harborne and Quinton group are running pedestrian wait and crossing times project; helping to make pedestrian crossings quicker and safer for pedestrians.
- Cargo bike training has been delivered by one of our Committee members, a professional cycling instructor, and we have secured additional training for other members from Birmingham City Council.
- We have done our first “free Christmas shopping delivery service by cargo bike” day; helping shoppers to enjoy car free Christmas shopping; a project we will be continuing in 2023 (and not just and Christmas!)
- We have grown to more than 80 members and provide a friendly and vibrant forum for constructive conversations about all things active travel.
We’ve had lots successes in our first full year.
As we come up to the Christmas and New Year festivities, the we thank all of our friends including our local and regional politicians, Council officers, other campaign groups and charities, and professionals working on active travel.
Most importantly, a huge thank you to our fantastic members. Your energy and creativity are incredibly valuable; we are all proud of the positive impacts we are creating.
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year. Here’s to a 2023 of even better streets for Birmingham.
Many thanks, from your Better Streets for Birmingham Committee.